Hello, soul sister. Isn't that M. Mister on the radio ?
.مرحباً، يا فتاة الروح أليس ذلك سيد السيد على الراديو؟
Ce n'est... Ce n'est pas seulement... ♪ When I turn on the radio... ♪
..فليس.. فليس فقط
- D'accord. très bien, nous somme de retour. ici "Radio on the Bay."
- وهو تحقيق مفتوح تماما، . - حسنا.
Live fast, die young, bad girls do it well ♪ ♪ my chain hits my chest when I'm bangin' on the dashboard ♪ ♪ my chain hits my chest when I'm bangin' on the radio ♪ ♪ get back, get down ♪ pull me closer if you think you can hang ♪ ♪ hands up, hands tied ♪ ♪ don't go screaming if I blow you with a bang ♪ ♪ ah, suki zuki ♪ I'm coming in the cherokee, gasoline ♪ ♪ there's steam on the window screen ♪ ♪ take it, take it, wheels bouncin' ♪ Regarde ces gens.
،إنظري لهولاء
"Radio on the Bay». ici George Khouri. nous somme en direct sur les ondes, et bien sur 24-7, nous avons notre podcasts. vous pouvez les choper sur.
جورج خوري و. نحن على الهواء، وبالطبع 24-7، لدينا البث. يمكنك الحصول عليها من.
♪ Cos you ♪ You just come and go You just come and go ♪ Like a beat, like the same song on the radio ♪ Fast forward and rewind ♪ Play that song again ♪ Play that song again and again ♪ When does it end? ♪ High, high, high ♪ Low, low, low ♪ High, low, high, low ♪ High, low, high, low ♪ High, low, high, low ♪ I get up ♪ I fall down ♪ I hit the roof and land on the ground ♪ Come near ♪ And shut up ♪ You rock my world a little too much ♪ How am I going to let him go? ♪ The boy's got me high and low ♪ How am I going to let it go? ♪ The boy's got me high and low ♪ High, high, high ♪ Low, low, low ♪ High, low, high, low ♪ High, low, high, low ♪ High, low ♪ ANGEL ft WRETCH 32:
" اتصل بي عندما تريد ،ولكن ليس في الليل " "لأني في الليل أكون في النادي أرقص " "المشـكلة ،أني لا استطيع الطيران "